The only difference between architecture and fashion is scale

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Window Replacement, Step-by-Step

I discovered I could make a "video" of the stills I shot during the installation and spent hours timing it to the Cornershop cover of "Norwegian Wood" only to discover that (well, yes I kinda knew it) YouTube can't allow me to post things with others' copyrighted material. So, music is not as credited (I swapped for licensed music, which is actually OK, but quite different.) For those who like quirky Brit pop, I recommend checking out the Cornershop album, When I Was Born for the Seventh Time.

(I'll add music links when I figure out what's what. Meanwhile, you can find the album, and the tune, for download or streaming all over the place. Just type it in your browser and go where you will.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow - thank you for your compliment! Also for letting me know that SOMEONE other than me or my friend Debbie have looked at this!
